Concrete Restoration and Stabilization for Cabrillo Bridge

San Diego, San Diego County, 
California, USA

The Cabrillo Bridge was constructed for the 1915 California Exhibition and had the usual issues with rusting and decay of internal steel reinforcing bars. This concrete bridge restoration and stabilization job became urgent, as chunks of concrete began falling on the Cabrillo Freeway below.

We removed the loose concrete around the pocket and made cuts to delineate the repair area before the chipping process. Chipping was executed to a depth of approximately 3/4″ in most cases, unless unsound material went deeper. Deeper areas of repair were formed and cast using a special concrete. The cast material was held back about 1/2″ from the finish surface to leave room for the color-matched patching mortar. Stainless steel wire and anchor pins were also installed in all patch areas to provide the mechanical anchor necessary to ensure a long-lasting repair.

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