Los Angeles, Los Angeles County,
California, USA
The Boyle Hotel was one of the early Five-Star Residence Hotels of Los Angeles. Since then, it had undergone extensive deterioration of the brick veneer and shell, as well as wood and other media. This project involved extensive brick repointing, repair, resurfacing, and cleaning.
After cleaning bricks not coated with paint or stucco, the joints were all cut out and repointed. Where possible, we patched deteriorated bricks, if only partial loss had taken place. Nonetheless, over 2,500 new matching brick replacements were installed where salmons (inherently defective bricks) had deteriorated beyond the point of patching. We also removed a coating of cement plaster on the lower part of the building, which had been put in place to cover the deteriorating brick. This area was resurfaced, allowing us to keep the original building fabric, preferable both from an historic as well as an economic perspective.
This noteworthy hotel is in the U.S National Register of Historic Places and is also a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument.